Cookie Policy



What are cookies? Cookies are text files deposited in your system by sites or servers when you browse the web or use Apps. With cookies, these sites or servers are able to recognize your browser while you are browsing or later if you return. Cookies help improve your online experience, for example by preserving preferences you have expressed over time or by preventing you from logging in every time you change pages. Cookies can also be used to monitor and track your online behavior for the purpose of serving you tailored advertisements.

The types of cookies. Cookies are divided into several types. When the party depositing the cookie on your system coincides with the site you visit, the cookie is called a “first-party” cookie. Otherwise, it is called a “third-party” cookie. “Session” cookies are automatically deleted whenyou close your browser, while “persistent” cookies remain stored until their expiration date. “Technical” cookies make it possible to browse the web and provide the services requested by the user. “Analytical-statistical” cookies are assimilated to technical cookies when they are used directly by the site to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they interact with the site. “Profiling” cookies are third-party cookies used to profile you based on your online behavior in order to submit personalized advertisements to you.

What cookies does the platform implement? Firstly, the platform implements first-party technical cookies for the purpose of customizing the configuration of the platform, keeping navigation active, managing electronic transactions, ensuring security, as well as for the purpose of system administration. Secondly, it implements a third-party analytical-statistical cookie (Google Analytics) for the purpose of analyzing the users’ use of the platform and traffic flow, both for the purpose of optimizing the offer of products and services, as well as improving the usability of the site. Google’s analytical – statistical cookie is operated in “masked” mode, meaning that the last octet of your IP address (v4), respectively the last 80 bits of your IP address (v6), is set to “zero”. The masking of your IP address occurs as soon as the data is received by the Analytics collection network, before any storage or processing takes place.


List of active coomies, puprose and duration.


The platform implements the following cookies.


First-party cookie:

Name: cookieconsent_status

Type: Technical

Purpose: Registers Privacy consent options

Duration: 365 days

Need for Site Usage Purposes: needed to store user’s Privacy settings



Third-party (pseudonymized) analytical cookies.

Provider: Google Inc.

Product: Google Analytics

Designations: _ga

Type: analytics – statistical

Purpose: To distinguish users by assigning them a random number

Duration: 2 years

IP masking: YES

Opting-out: linkNecessity for the purpose of using the Site: NO


Provider privacy policy: link


Possibility of deactivation or deletion, technical consequences. The platform offers you the possibility, through the cookie management plug-in on the “home-page” of the Site, to freely choose which cookies to allow and which to refuse. You also have the option of denying consent to unnecessary cookies (in particular, Google’s analytical-statistical cookie), while keeping technical cookies active.

You also have the option of setting your browser to either inform you of receipt of cookies or block cookies (either across the board or by cookie type or even by originating site). Generalized cookie blocking, since the same also applies to technical cookies, can result in severe limitations in the use of the platform (particularly the site). You have the option of manually deleting cookies from your browser’s memory, as well as setting your browser to automatically delete cookies when you close the program (recommended choice).

By default, browsers generally accept cookies. Instructions for disabling or deleting cookies can be found on your browser developer’s site: Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge; Google Chrome; Apple Safari; Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

Esistono altri modi per ridurre il rischio di tracciamento online (da utilizzare cumulativamente):

attivare l’opzione DoNotTrack sul tuo browser (se disponibile);

utilizzare la funzionalità di navigazione “privata” o “anonima” del tuo browser (se disponibile), che impedisce ai cookie di essere conservati dopo la navigazione;

installare sul browser “privacy plug-in” quali, ad esempio, uBlock OriginPrivacy Badger o Ghostery;

esercitare il tuo diritto di essere escluso da specifici schemi di pubblicità comportamentale (ad esempio: DAA Consumer Opt-Out PageNAI Consumer Opt-Out Page).




We have no control over the processing of personal data performed independently by third parties (as opposed to Zinetti Technologies s.r.l.), so we do not perform any verification, nor do we assume any responsibility for it. It is your duty to inform yourself about the processing performed by said third parties before purchasing goods or services, visiting sites, using applications or devices.

By way of example, you leave the digital platform of Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. whenever:

you write an e-mail to us or connect to the Internet;

you visit web pages outside the domain “”.