Terms of use



Dear User,

We inform you that when you use the site in question and the other online resources, such as, for example, the contact form, the profiles of Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. on social media, the newsletter etc, (hereafter, all together, the “Online Resources”) you are making use of tools and content owned by Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. and you are obliged to comply with the conditions of use provided in this document in the version in force at the time of the individual access.


The privacy policy on the processing of personal data can be found at this link https://www.zinetti.com/privacy-policy/ . We invite you to read it carefully in all cases in which you would like to inform us of your personal contact information.


To communicate with Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. you can use the following contacts: phone +390376 1572111, info@zinetti.com . Our office is located in Asola (MN), via Lombardia 2/b. 


These terms of use, which are published exclusively online, may change over time, as may the resources made available by www.zinetti.com . For this reason, it is the User’s responsibility to visit this page from time to time and check for any changes of interest to him/her. The conditions valid between the parties are always only those in effect at the time of each individual access.


Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. makes Online Resources available to users free of charge and without any guarantee in terms of availability, usefulness, completeness, security and/or reliability of the tools and content published. Any advertising communications do not constitute a commercial offer unless confirmed directly by the company. Information or products advertised or described may no longer be available at the time of request. In case you are interested in precise information or binding offers, please contact Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. at the contact details already indicated.


Full and exclusive intellectual property over the site www.zinetti.com and Online Resources, graphics, databases and their contents belongs to Zinetti Technologies s.r.l.. Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. is the owner or legitimate licensee of all distinctive signs used on the site and on the Online Resources. Any use, reproduction, copying of material protected by the legislation on the protection of intellectual and industrial property is illegal and prohibited.


The User is allowed to share direct hypertext links to the site www.zinetti.com , including links to internal pages, and to other online resources, provided that the use is made outside of a competitive relationship with Zinetti Technologies s.r.l., is characterized by loyalty and good faith, and is not in any way detrimental to the image of Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. and/or its collaborators, managers and/or employees. Partial or complete incorporation/copying of the content of the site and/or Online Resources is prohibited.


The site and Online Resources may integrate links to external sites, resources and services. Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. has no control over such sites and resources, especially in terms of security, quality of information and data protection, so it assumes no responsibility in this regard and the use of the link is at the total risk of the User who chooses to make use of it.


The User agrees to use all Online Resources, including email addresses, hyperlinks, social profiles etc made available by Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. in a lawful manner that respects the rights of Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. and third parties. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to:

– transmitting illicit, harassing, offensive, discriminatory, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harmful, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate content;

– use insite and other online resources, as well as the information contained therein, to engage in unlawful, fraudulent or infringing acts against the rights of third parties, including copyright and personality rights;

– extract from online resources and use in any manner personal data without the consent of the persons concerned validly collected and given;

– communicate false information;

– use means of any kind, including software, to interfere or attempt to interfere with the activities of the site and the three online resources to hinder the usability of the services by the rightful owner or other users.

The User agrees to ensure that their computer devices are protected from malware, viruses, trojan horses etc (through the use of appropriate anti-virus programs, firewalls etc) and free of malicious elements of any kind.


The User who accesses the Online Resources made available by Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. agrees to hold the latter, as well as its organs, managers and employees, harmless and indemnified against any damage of any kind, economic or moral, that may arise from the illicit or non-compliant use that the User may make of them.

Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to partially or completely restrict access and use of the site and other online resources to specific users.


The site and Online Resources are made available to users free of charge only. Any liability of Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. for any reason to any User for malfunctioning or unavailability of the site and other Online Resources is therefore excluded. In case of urgency on the part of the User, please contact Zinetti Technologies s.r.l. at the contact details and in the manner indicated in this document.


The use of the site and Online Resources is governed by these conditions, subject exclusively to Italian law.